Saturday, July 9, 2011

Ann Althouse a Rube? Nah, Robert Stacy McCain's Just Trolling for Traffic

C'mon Robert. Althouse a rube?

We know Althouse breaks political convention, and she's been hammering Obama for some time now. Besides, you just like posting her picture.

I like this one:


Added: Now a Memeorandum thread, with The Lonely Conservative, "Was Voting for Obama Rational?"


Michael Gersh said...

Looking at that photo, can you blame him for trying to get her attention?

AmPowerBlog said...

Can't fault him, Michael. Althouse is lovely!

Robert Stacy McCain said...

Seriously: She's fucking up the message. She would do a far greater service if she wrote a book, RUBE: Why I Was Stupid Enough to Vote for Obama in 2008, And Why He Must Be Stopped Now Before He Destroys America.

Regnery would be all over that.

AmPowerBlog said...

Actually, Robert, more Althouse!

LibertyAtStake said...

Yeah, I like the picture, too - for my own reasons. And, yeah, McCain is a traffic whore. It is what is it is.

"Because the Only Good Progressive is a Failed Progressive"

mike said...

I like the picture. She's nerdy, but with a nice rack.

Moneyrunner said...

Based on that picture, I really wonder about people who talk about "getting her attention." The problem with Ann, intellectually is that she manages to justify her prejudices with rationalization.

So what Ann really saw in Obama was a “solid, normal person” with “steely nerve, ... intelligence, and ... groundedness” who was lying to the rubes to get elected.

But he wasn’t. The guy who said that his election would heal the planet and cause the seas to recede was the guy we were warning Ann and all the other rubes about. Ann thought she had Obama figured out; that the guy behind the curtain was sane and smart and up to the job; the guy on stage was all an act. As Glenn Reynolds so often asks "who's the rube," Ann?

All the evidence pointed to the contrary: his experience, his books, his associates, his statements, his lies. It takes someone who is really into self-delusion to believe that all this was fake and the “real” Obama would emerge after the election.

Stogie said...

Linked at: "When News Is Slow, Invent a Controversy"